Monday, May 23, 2011


We went to the 2nd "Friday Fling" of the year with a friend. It was a beautiful day, but so windy that hardly any of the vendors showed up! 
Sometimes Mollie insists that her pants are rolled up!
Kissing "baby sister"..


  1. Hi, Caitlin,
    Those little rolled up pants on Mollie......Sooo cute!

    Sweet pic of her kissing baby sister.

    Hey! I've never seen such a good silhouette picture! Thanks for posting these. MeeMaw

  2. Caitlin,
    Mollie is such a beautiful little girl. I love all the pictures of her. I love the shadow of you. Have they estimated the weight of the baby? It looks large...but maybe it's because you're smaller.
    Thank you so much for sharing these. I love them all.

  3. haha i love those pictures of mollie's squashed face! she has such a funny and cute personality! and great idea with the shadow picture!
